Workshops and Study Related Resources


The University of Chicago emphasizes intellectual interaction outside a formal classroom setting through the fostering of workshops where graduate students and faculty present current work. There are several workshops offered each year that intersect with the work of the department and are sponsored by East Asian students and faculty.

CEAS Events Website

Art and Politics of East Asia

The Arts and Politics of East Asia Workshop provides a common intellectual forum for students and scholars of diverse fields investigating the interaction of aesthetics with political economics as reflected in textual and visual media in East Asia. Taking as its focus the cultural products emerging out of East Asian societies as they experience modernity, the workshop confronts existing theoretical frameworks and methodological issues relevant to the study of artistic production and consumption.


East Asia: Politics, Economy, and Society

This workshop focuses on current social science research on East Asian societies, particularly the People’s Republic of China, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. The scope of the workshop is truly interdisciplinary, as we attract students and faculty from economics, political science, sociology, international studies, and various other areas. Presentations at this workshop are diverse although graduate students are encouraged to present their thesis and dissertation research.


East Asia: Transregional Histories

This workshop invites creative and original work that speaks across the national lines of East Asia as well as the disciplinary lines of the academic community. Joint presenations among participants that incorporate multidisciplinary and/or transregional historical perspectives are especially encournation-state in historical understanding, we believe that it is just as important to give exposure to themes of a transnational and regional and/or global nature that have been obscured by the national paradigm. Such approaches can prove particularly fruitful when undertaken at a level of understanding beyond traditional departmental and specialty boundaries.


Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia

This workshop is focused on the study of material or visual objects from East Asia (defined broadly to include China, Central Asia, Tibet, Korea, and Japan, and other regions, depending on student interest). It explores the possible uses of recent theories of art, history, and material and visual culture in the study of East Asia. Presentations of studies of objects and visual materials from a variety of historical periods and geographic locations within East Asia serve as case studies for the exploration of such methodological concerns.
